Thursday, November 16


Well, now I never have to vacuum that old carpet again! We found these beautiful old floorboards yesterday. They would look so nice sanded and varnished, but I don't know if I can cope with the mess that would make...and we've already picked out the tiles... although we could use them somewhere else in the house. The corridor has been refloored at some point with plywood so I guess that is definitely going to be tiled. My treadle usually sits in the little nook at the bottom of the stairs. She just fits there perfectly.

After ripping up the carpet we decided that was enough hard work and went out for lunch. To Harrods. The Harrods of the North, that is - the Falls of Shin visitors centre, an oasis of civilisation in the middle of nowhere, where you get good lattes and wholesome food. It was very Christmassy, with lights and music. And they were selling Christmas trees outside! The first ones I have seen for sale this year.

After that we headed even further into the wilderness and found Sutherland Game where we bought some venison to go in the freezer for Christmas. If we can restrain ourselves. . .Maybe we should try it out first?

1 comment:

Cathi said...

Christmas trees already! Jeez, earlier every year...

Hope the tiling doesn't disrupt the house for too long!