Thursday, November 30

The calico I ordered from ebay for the backing of the log cabin quilt turned out to be unsuitable when it arrived. Much too thick for hand quilting. I am just itching to start quilting this, and couldn't wait to order some more fabric or go to the shop, so I had a bit of a rummage and found a few bits of fabric that I thought would do the job. I cut them into 51/2 inch squares and am piecing them. It's a mistake, I know. I will regret it. But I reckon that if I'm going to spend all that time quilting it, I might as well quilt something that I really like, front AND back. And I do like a challenge! I've been thinking some echo quilting might be nice around the stars. And then quilt in the ditch around the gold border. My quilting friend Gay suggests some stars in the green border too, and I think that might be nice. When I get to that stage!!

Oh, and I put binding on my Chook wall hanging from Rachel's of Greenfield. Here it is, very badly quilted, and here is my hen Esmeralda. Isn't the resemblance between her and the large chook in the wallhanging just uncanny?


Granny Fran said...

What a beautiful chicken. Looks like the quilt was designed around her.

Libby said...

It's as if she posed for the pattern *s* Enjoy the hand quilting.