Saturday, May 12

7 things about Me

Jane Ann tagged me to write about 7 random facts or habits.

1. I love "fairytales". I learned to read early, and was always allowed independence in the books I chose. Nobody seemed to understand why I was still reading these stories when I was obviously "far too old for that nonsense". I think partly it was comforting, but mostly because I was looking for meaning in these simple tales. And found quite a bit!

2. When I was little we spent much time at my grandmother's house, the rear wing of a grand Georgian mansion just outside troubled '70s Belfast. The garden was wild and beautiful, and at the bottom of it snowdrops grew in the lawn in rings. These, grannie explained, were faerie rings. (no explanation as to whether the faeries made the rings, or just used them, or what the faeries looked like, etc). I believed her. And a tiny, tiny part of me still does.

3. Just beyond said garden was a small wood. One of my sisters told me there were wolves in the wood. Despite knowing there were no wild wolves, for a long time I believed her and was terrified, especially at night. (I don't belive this any more!)

4. Last time I went to IKEA I bought everything I wanted and the bill came to £23.22.

5. I dislike telephones very much, and avoid speaking on them and especially answering them. I see from reading other people's blogs that I am not alone in this, and this makes me feel a little better.

6.'Love is Enough' (below my blog title) is the title of a poem by William Morris.

7. I have two pianos in my house.

Thank you Jane Ann, that was fun!


Michele Bilyeu said...

Elizabeth, it was great fun reading 7 interesting things about you! It's fun to see another side of someone! I must say, we are staunch believers in faerie rings. We have many in our own yard and my children grew up dancing around them. When my best freind and her 12 year old daughter, my own dd#2's best friend for life, died in a tragic car accident...we saw a faerie ring magically appear right on the property line between our two houses. It spoke volumes about what we think we know and all that truly can be! We had many, many more magical signs, but this one carried special significance. It reminded us when our grieving eased that it was ok to dance again and to share our dance with those we love.... on both sides of the veil.

Jane Ann said...

Elizabeth, you are a good sport and thoroughly interesting woman! Thanks for telling us more about yourself.

We have fairy rings here too (my part of the US, the Southeast, is full of folks whose ancestors came from Northern Ireland). But I think of them as rings of mushrooms that suddenly spring up overnight. Never thought about snowdrops or other flowers appearing in circles unless planted that way.

Patti said...

Two pianos - wow! Do you play? I love to play but never have time any more. I, too, hate to talk on the telephone. I avoid it whenever possible. Maybe that's one reason why I love email so very much!