Friday, December 22

Christmas rush time for blogging, no time for sewing. Far too much yet to do. Made a couple of blocks yesterday when I should have been doing other things Christmas-related, but couldn't help myself..fabric is just too lovely.

Little sis decided on stars for the block, and this is what we came up with.

I like the scrappier block best, but can't decide whether to go really scrappy and vary the colour placement between the blocks or not.


Debra Dixon said...


Libby said...

I concur *s*

Jen said...

I like both, but usually am partial to scrappy. I hope you will share pictures of the finished project. Jen

Susan said...

Both blocks look good. I tend to like scrappy blocks, but if that weren't there, I would think the other was just as lovely.

Sue said...

Do them tamed and untamed..they both look great